Friday, September 25, 2009

Presentation Complete!

Well after a ton of research hours and endless nitpicking my presentation its over! I think that my delivery was pretty good as I really did remember a lot, however I thin kI leaned on my notes anyways. Realized about 1/2 way through that I think my crowd was bored so either need more interaction, or, need to have more amusing slides. I still was not 100% sure about the content of my presentation, but to fit time, I had to chop a LOT out.

Now.. onto the next presentation

EDIT- I have added the slides


  1. Larry,
    I know I certainly wasn't bored listening to your presentation last night. Your delivery was EXCELLENT! Very interesting topic--I had never heard of the term 'crowdsourcing' before. I'm sure you will receive an 'A' on in. Great job!

  2. Thanks! I Enjoyed your oovoo one as well.

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